We really enjoyed our drive up to Edmonton through the Alberta fields. They were in full bloom and brilliantly colored. We took the back roads up and found it to be much more relaxing than the main highway. There was also thunder clouds in some places which were spectacular.
We planned to stay just outside Edmonton at my Uncle Kevin’s house. It was so great to see them all. We had a lot of great visits together and wonderful hospitality. It was great to have one place to be in while we met up with multiple friends and family.
The boys loved hanging out with Kevin. They played games, figured out logic wooden puzzles, went bike riding, and worked on building a zip line in the backyard. Let’s just say they had a blast!
Malaya celebrated her 12th birthday in Edmonton. At her request we all headed out to Red Lobster for crab! She was a very happy girl as crab is her favorite food and a very special treat! Kevin's family and Janice joined us for her birthday meal.
Could she be happier?
Kevin, Wanda and Esther
Janice and Esther
Happy Birthday Malaya!
We then headed over to a water spray park for some fun and sun. We ended up having a huge water fight with a bunch of us. Totally fun!
Janice and my girls.
Malaya chose cheesecake for her birthday cake and enjoyed that as well.
We also met up with my friend Dawn and her family at the water spray park. They drove up to Edmonton to see us and we had such a great time with them. We were able to meet her children for the first time. Then we headed over to her parent's house for dinner. Her parents were family friends of mine when I was in Fort McMurray as a teenager. So it was really nice to visit with them again.
Dawn's kids and mine.
Dawn, Esther and Jane
Jane and Larry
Another thing unique thing that we got to do was go to the Ukrainian village. It is a historical village where you go and get to experience what it would be like to have lived back then. Kendra and Elisa were both working there this summer and so Hannah volunteered to go one day with them. She had a lot of fun with the girls and Elisa and Kendra played into their characters so well! Kendra even cooked dinner and apple pie with Hannah on the wood stove. And when Kevin was caught picking peas in the garden, he got a telling to from Kendra about how angry her mother-in-law would be if she saw him! Janice was able to come with us and it was such a blessing to hang out with her as well.
Judah trying to card wool.
My little viking!
Doesn't she make a cute Ukrainian?
Elisa led a tour through the village. She did a great job and we all learned a lot.
While we were in Edmonton, we were able to go to my Uncle Dennis and Aunt Marlyne's church. After the service they had a church potluck and invited all of my extended family in Edmonton. It was so nice to see everyone and they even had a cake for all of the July birthdays.

My uncle Phil and Casey having a chat.
This was the family picture of everyone who was able to come: My uncle Kevin, aunt Wanda, uncle Phil, aunt Diane, uncle Ray, aunt Julie, aunt Marlyne, uncle Dennis, my Grandma, and my cousins, Janice, Elaine, Lauren, Mikayla and of course us!
This is the only picture I have of Grandma with all of my children. They were excited to meet their Great Grandma.
Then the day came for the girls to go off to camp with my cousins, Mikayla and Lauren. They were really excited as they had not been to camp before. I actually went to this camp when I was 16!
Malaya did the ropes course with Lauren and Hannah did the horsemanship course with Mikayla. When we picked them up, we were able to see some of the stunts that they had learned. Hannah did great on the horses and Malaya climbed a very high climbing wall and then jumped off into a 30 foot free fall swing! They both did awesome!
I snapped this shot of Caleb at the rodeo, I love how the light hits his face.
One of my best friends from High School lives in Edmonton now. Her name is Amanda and she has two children. We were able to get together with her at a park and let the kids play. Dawn came as well and it was so nice to visit with them both. They had a great time. It was fun to see all of the Canadian geese as well.
It was Kendra's 18th birthday when we were there, so we got to be a part of her party. I was even able to make her a cake! Happy birthday Kendra!
Susan is also one of my family friends from Fort McMurray. She is an artist and we have always had a connection. So it was wonderful to have time to meet with her for lunch. We got to see some of her artwork and hear what she has been doing lately. And did I mention we ate one of my favorite foods...Indian! Yum!
The scenery around Edmonton was so beautiful. I love the big open skies.
I snapped all these pictures on a walk that I had with Elisa. I was so thankful to have time to connect with her and what God is doing in her life. I can't believe that she was a flower girl in my wedding!
We were able to go and visit my Grandma again at her house and the boys were with me. We sat and looked at pictures and listened to some stories of the past. So lovely!

Another friend from my high school days, Tiriza and her family, had us over for a wonderful meal and visit. It was wonderful to meet her husband and two kids and see her again. Reann and Chuck were able to come up as well and her dad Rodney, was able to stop in for a visit. I haven't seen him for so long...what a great day we had catching up with them all.
One of our last evenings in Edmonton, we were able to go our and eat with Janice, Marlyne and Dennis. It was great to have another opportunity to visit with them again. Thanks for the lovely dinner!
We were able to attend our old church in Edmonton the next sunday we were there. It was so great to see some of our friends and meet our pastor again. When we first starting attending this church, Hannah was a baby and I met another mom named Angie in the nursery. She also had her first daughter, Jayden, who was also born in October. So there were 3 of us new moms with baby girls born in October. Well, we got to see Angie again and Jayden, who is not of course, 13! Wow, I can't believe how time has flown.
Esther and Amanda
Us three moms, Angie, Esther and Angie.
The three girls, Tara, Hannah and Jayden.
On one of our drives out to Kevin and Wanda's house, Jan and I saw twin baby moose and their hungry mother. She was so hungry that she did not care that we stopped and took pictures of them. We couldn't believe it and they were so cute!
We were also in Edmonton for Mikayla's 15th birthday. It was such a memorable time and we were very honored to be there. I was also able to decorate a cake for her. Happy Birthday Mikayla!
Our last day in Edmonton, we met up with some friends that we made while living in Panama. They are from Calgary but we were able to meet at West Edmonton Mall. We had to show the kids the famous mall with a full waterpark, seals, a skating rink, theaters, hotel, amusement park, mini golf, and loads of restaurants and stores!
Ryan and Jennifer
Then we took the kids skating for the first time and surprisingly, they did pretty good. It was definitely a challenge as they have only ever roller-skated. They thought it was so cool!
Our last adventure in Edmonton was to meet up with my cousin Jill and her family as they moved in to their new home. Marlyne and Janice brought a very yummy picnic and we all chipped in until the job was done. Then we stayed for a short visit and got to know Jill and Johan a bit better. It was awesome to meet their kids and have some time together.
After an action-packed time in Edmonton, we drove off to the north.
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